2018년 8월 5일 일요일

[특허 분쟁] Aatrix Software v. Green Shades Software에 대한 미국 CAFC 2018. 2. 14. 판결

소송 고소 민형사 변호사

Aatrix US7,171,615 US8,984,393 특허를 침해했다는 이유로 Green Shades 플로리다 연방지방법원에 제소하였으나연방지방법원은 미국 특허법 101조의 특허적격성을 갖추지 못하였다는 이유로 기각하였습니다이에 AatrixCAFC 항소한 것입니다.

Aatrix 특허발명은 컴퓨터에서 데이터를 시각화하기 위한 디자인생성불러오기에 대한 것으로사용자가 데이터를 조작하고 시각화 형태와 보고서를 생성할  있도록 하는 것입니다. 615특허발명의 청구항 1항은 다음과 같습니다.

1.  A data processing system for designing, creating, and importing data into, a viewable form viewable by the user of the data processing system, comprising:
    (a) a form file that models the physical representation of an original paper form and establishes the calculations and rule conditions required to fill in the viewable form;
    (b) a form file creation program that imports a background image from an original form, allows a user to adjust and test-print the background image and compare the alignment of the original form to the background test-print, and creates the form file;
    (c) a data file containing data from a user application for populating the viewable form; and
    (d) a form viewer program operating on the form file and the data file, to perform calculations, allow the user of the data processing system to review and change the data, and create viewable forms and reports.

CAFC 발명에 대한 특허적격성은 법의 문제이나 청구범위 해석과 관련하여 사실관계 판단이 필요하다면 이를 먼저 분석한 후에 특허적격성 여부를 판단해야 한다고 보았습니다그리고 1심법원이  청구항 1항이 실재하는 구현(tangible embodiment) 아니라고 판단하였으나, CAFC  발명이 컴퓨터 OS, 데이터시각화와 변경 수단시각화 형태와 보고서 수단을 필요로 하므로 실재한다고 판단하였습니다. CAFC Aatrix 소장에 대한 수정사항도 기술적 개선에 대한 주장을포함하고 있다고 보았고 1심법원이 이를 간과한 점도 지적하였습니다.

 판결과 Berkheimer v. HP 판결 등의 최근 CAFC 판결을 보면 소프트웨어 발명에 대한 특허부적격 주장의 입증을 보다 엄격하게 요구하는 것으로 보입니다. Berkheimer v. HP 판결에서는 1심에서 Markman hearing(특허 청구범위 해석후에 기각한 반면에 사건의 1심은 Markman hearing 거치지 않고 기각한 것으로 다른 점이 있고 CAFC  판결은 이러한 점을 지적한 것입니다. Alice 판결이후에 소프트웨어 발명의 특허성 인정이 어렵다고 보였으나최근에는 기술적 개선 등이 인정될  있는 경우 특허적격에 대한 다툼에서 특허권자에게 유리한 지형이 형성되고 있습니다.

정회목 변호사

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